
Footsmiths Podiatry

How can we help you?

At Footsmiths Podiatry, we are passionate about providing the highest quality foot care to our patients.  Kathryn, our HCPC registered Podiatrist, has over 20 years of experience in the field and is dedicated to helping you achieve healthy and happy feet.   Kathryn is well equipped to treat and advise on any foot issues you may have.  Whether that is removing the painful corn from your foot, assessing your feet due to developing diabetes, or checking your biomechanics if you are experiencing pain when you walk.  

Corns, callus, verrucae, ingrowing toe nails, thickened or fungal nails, foot pain, athlete’s foot, diabetic foot problems, bunions, heel pain, chilblains, sports injuries, plantar fasciitis, dry skin, sweaty feet, blisters, gout, biomechanical issues and many more conditions can all be assessed and treated by our Podiatrist gently and professionally.

Contact us today and book an appointment, take the first step towards healthier feet.

The Appointment 

(Prior to the appointment you will have filled in a medical questionnaire to help us understand your health background and any relevant conditions that may impact your foot or ankle health.)

We allow 30 minutes for our podiatry appointments.  Within the appointment your feet will be thoroughly assessed including checks of your circulation and the feeling in your feet.   After examining your feet and ankles, and discussing your specific needs and concerns, we will formulate a treatment plan to get you feeling comfortable and happy with your feet. 

Most appointments involve toenails being trimmed and filed, thickened nails reduced, callus and corn areas comfortably pared away, and the application of a moisturiser, all while imparting plenty of tips and advice you can use yourself to improve your foot health further.  Although some conditions may take longer to resolve, our aim where possible is to give you immediate relief on the day of your appointment.  The appointment is priced at £49.  For those with mobility issues please note appointments are held upstairs, on the first floor, at Ironstone Wellbeing Centre.

Our Podiatrist – Kathryn

Kathryn is an experienced Podiatrist who graduated from Brighton University with a first class honours degree in 2002.   Over the last 20 years she built a successful podiatry practice in the South East of England.  She has now returned to Northamptonshire to be closer to her family.  

  • Kathryn is a member of the UK’s largest professional body for podiatrists, The Royal College of Podiatry. 
  • Kathryn is also registered as a Podiatrist with the Health & Care Professions Council, a government led organisation which regulates the Allied Health Professions. 

Outside the clinic Kathryn has taken part in numerous walking challenges and adventures. Her podiatry skills have been invaluable in helping her team mates and fellow participants complete their goals.  Highlights have included climbing to the summit of Kilimanjaro in Tanzania, the continuous 100km Oxfam Trailwalker event along the South Downs, and the most recent adventure, chasing around after her daughter.  Kathryn’s passion is keeping her patients mobile and active through having happy healthy feet.

© 2024 Ironstone Wellbeing Centre 
Ironstone Place, Kettering
Northamptonshire, NN14 1FN