
Yin Yoga

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Yin Yoga is a slow-paced style of yoga with poses that are held for longer periods of time (typically 5 minutes) in an effort to release deep tissues, fascia, ligaments, joints and bone. Available in normal, warm and hot temperatures. 

Why not come along and try Yin Yoga in Kettering, at the Ironstone Wellbeing Centre. 

Introduction to Yin YOGA

Yin Yoga is based on ancient Chinese philosophies, where we are said to have pathways of energy that run through our bodies. By stretching and deepening into poses, it allows us to open any blockages in our body allowing energy to flow more freely.

In this form of yoga postures are held for anything from 3 to 5 minutes. A deeper stretch focuses on lengthening the muscles and deeper connective tissues. The slower more meditative state allows you to learn to breathe through discomfort and tune in to both body and mind.

Many Yin Yoga postures are seated or reclined poses, for example a seated forward fold. The aim is to avoid fidgeting to fully release any tensions and get the best out of the stretch. Blocks, straps, and bolsters can be used for support. In Yoga terms we aim for comfortable discomfort; aim for a deep stretching sensation but never the point of pain. Many of the posture focus on releasing areas around a joint such as the hips.

The breath work involved in Yin Yoga is critical. When discomfort arises, it is essential to focus on the breath to help with relaxing. Many of us live fast paced lives and slowing down life with a yin class in a more meditative manner, is a great compliment to the fast pace of life.

Yin Yoga may not involve the movement involved in say flow yoga and would come under more a restorative yoga category but trust us it does not make it any less challenging. Try Yin Yoga in Kettering at the Ironstone Wellbeing Centre today. Let us know what you think! 


Improved Flexibility – A Yin class is one of the most effective ways of improving flexibility. Fascia needs to be stretched at tension for a sustained period for the elasticity to improve. You will notice an improvement in your range of motion if you stick to regular practice.

Boosts Circulation – Holding poses for a longer period for time forces you to relax and focus on the breath. Therefore, you can bring more oxygen in to the body, increase blood flow and improve circulation. Yin Yoga opens any blockages.  

Connecting with the breath – The breath is a powerful tool when it comes to our well-being. If we can learn to connect with the breath, energy also known as the prana, will begin to flow more freely. By allowing our energy to flow, this will give us the skills and tools to push through any emotional and physical blockages. Therefore, allowing us to free both body and mind and relax.

Focuses Your Mind – Yoga encourages a mindful state, helping you to feel relaxed and calm reducing stress levels.


A drop-in hot yoga class is £13 a session or £8 in Off peak hours (9am-5pm Mon-Fri). The price can be greatly reduced by purchasing a membership or class pack. For more details regarding the memberships and class packs and introductory offers we currently display, please check out our membership page for more details.

Bookable online? Yes


For now, due to Covid we will not be providing mats. You will therefore be required to bring your own. We will provide blocks and straps.

A hot yoga towel to prevent slipping in hot and warm classes.

Water – Hydration before, during and after hot yoga is key.

Our changing facilities and toilets are available. 

We have onsite parking.

What are you waiting for?

© 2024 Ironstone Wellbeing Centre 
Ironstone Place, Kettering
Northamptonshire, NN14 1FN