Red Light Therapy has been utilised in professional athletes for some time. NovoTHOR improves the healing and recovery process, reduces inflammation, and treats the joints. It allows individuals to increase training intensity and push their limits. The integration of NovoThor into clinics such as Ironstone allows all to maximise physical performance through the use of high quality PBM Therapy.
- NovoThor boosts the effectiveness of workouts, improving muscle performance.
- Increases blood flow pre-workout to help prepare your body for an intense session.
- Improves recovery from training, relaxing muscles, reducing aches in muscles and joints.
- A workout doesn’t just stress the target muscle group. It stresses supporting muscles and joints. NovoThor treats the entire body all at once, making sure that those supporting muscles get the treatment they need.
- NovoThor is a relaxing experience helping you to wind down after training; encouraging mindfulness and introspection.
- Slow the effects of ageing on the body. Reduce pain in joints and muscles. Continue doing the activities you love for longer.